Wilhelma - Kids Special

How to enjoy the Stuttgart Zoo Wilhelma with your kids.

Do you plan to do something special with your kids here in Stuttgart?
Then you should not forget to go to the Wilhelma!

Stuttgart ZOO

Wilhelma is one of the most popular places in Stuttgart. Every year more than 1.5 million visitors come to see the historical park with a unique mixture of plants, animals and beautiful buildings.


Especially for children the Wilhelma has some outstanding attractions.
The “Kinderturnwelt” are different playgrounds in the whole area of the zoo. Children can collect an information booklet at the entrance (see pictures). There you find the different stations of the “Kinderturnwelt” parcours. At every playground a special stamp can be collected and at the end the children have their Wilhelma sports diploma. 
With this you will see that even smaller children can manage through the whole zoo without getting tired! While you follow the different playgrounds you will see most of the animals.


Throughout the day there are different feedings and meeting opportunities with the animal keepers. You will find the actual times at the entrance. It depends on the day and the season.
The training of the seals is very famous. At the moment the seals have moved to the upper part of the zoo area, where the polar bears once lived.

When you want to make something very special (e.g. as a present) you can book private meetings with some of the animals. The Wilhelma also offers birthday parties.
Under the following link you find more information: Feeding Times


There are nice places to rest & have a picnic everywhere. Or you can visit one of the restaurants. The two biggest ones are near the entrance and there is another one in the upper part of the zoo near the visitor farm. In the restaurant near the entrance you also find a small indoor playing area for the kids. The restaurants are very child friendly with special offers and nursing rooms.

INFORMation in English

If you want to have further information in English you will find it on their homepage.

or read other general Wilhelm Blog Post with lost of more pictures:
Wilhelma - Stuttgart Zoo & Botanical Gardens

Have fun with your kids!


October 2019 by Dr. Christine Krämer
This blog post has been prepared with the greatest possible care and does not claim to be correct, complete or up-to-date.“
Please make sure to visit your doctor prior to flying being pregnant or with your baby.

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Kinderturnwelt Wilhelma Children
Playground, Spielplatz Wilhelma
Playground Wilhelma
Kinderturnwelt Wilhelma
Kinderturnwelt Wilhelma

zur Übersicht

Updated: August 2022

Posted in in Babies & Toddlers, Activities