Midwife Concept in Germany (Stuttgart Area)

What they do & how to find a midwife in Stuttgart Area.

Are you pregnant or planning to get pregnant in Stuttgart, Germany?
Then it is very important to
look for a midwife early in you pregnancy as it is not so easy to find one.

But what does a midwife in Germany do?

A midwife in Germany has different kinds of services. Usually the German health insurance covers the costs. 

Midwife services - 4 areas:

  • check ups leading up to birth
  • pre- and post natal courses (Geburtsvorbereitung / Rückbildung)
  • check ups post-partum (comes to your house to check on you and your baby)
  • delivery of the baby - in every hospital there is a midwife present during your delivery - you do NOT have to look for this service. Exception: In the case of a home birth, a planned birth in a birthing center (Gebusrtahaus) or a clinic with Beleghebammen, you must register in early pregnancy and conclude a treatment contract with the midwife.

When you look for a midwife it is mostly for the postnatal care. She looks after you and your baby during the first weeks at home. You can ask your questions and she will support you as much as possible.

How to find a midwife in Stuttgart Area

You can try the following search websites:

We have a midwife coordination office in Stuttgart and this is the form (unfortunately in German) which you must send:


Please note that only inquiries from Stuttgart and the following areas can be processed: Gerlingen, Ditzingen, Korntal-Münchingen, Kornwestheim, Fellbach, Ostfildern and Leinfelden-Echterdingen.

Midwives in Böblingen/Sindelfingen/Leonberg Area:


Here a direct link to their list of midwives:


Often you have good chances to still find a midwife, please keep contacting them a few weeks before or even after the birth.
Sometimes free capacities arise spontaneously.

Possibilities if you do not have an Aftercare midwife

Please refer to our separate blog post about alternatives,  about what you can do and how you can find help.

Support from Gravidamiga

If you are pregnant we can support you with our Workshop - Pregnancy, Birth & Early Motherhood in Germany.
We offer birth preparation courses in English - offline and online and also pregnancy yoga - pleaser check out Calendar for upcoming classes and workshops.

Please contact us at any time if you need more information.


Dr. Christine Krämer
This blog post is a personal recommendation and based on personal experience. It has been prepared with the greatest possible care and does not claim to be correct, complete or up-to-date.“

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Updated: July 2024

Posted in in Pregnancy & Birth, Medicine & Psychology