Tips of our community July 2021 - Mama Café

Thank you for writing down your tips for all of us in our July Mama Café.

Here is the great advice from all the lovely moms and moms-to-be
that joined our Mama Cafe in July 2021

THANK YOU ALL! It was lovely. 

  • Don't listen to many advise from other people, as they can be very confusing and can make you feel stressed out.
    Just use your mom's intuition and trust yourself that you know what's best for your baby.
  • Join a community like Gravidamiga
  • Have 'me-time' every day.
  • Have a consultation with a lactation specialist...even if you feel like you are feeding well... you may be able to do better.
  • Use almond oil in your baby bath
  • Drink lots of water, eat healthy delicious food and get a support net
  • Just go with the flow (but listen to your Hebamme)
  • Preggo:  go swimming & relax
    After: take care of yourself and your baby. Don't worry about anyone else for 3 months.
  • Make a lot of food and stock them before the baby is born
    be a team with your husband
    eat well to keep energy level up
    let the baby sleep in your room
    create a bedtime routine to bring consistency
  • Don't stress. You know best how to take care of your own baby. It's a cliche but true.
    Every child develops in their own pace. Some take longer and it's completely ok.
  • Put a heat pack on the bed 5 minutes before putting the baby to sleep. But remove before putting the baby down.
  • Make sure your baby is sucking AND swallowing while breastfeeding otherwise it means that the baby is soothing him/herself and not necessarily getting full.
  • Make sure your find ways to educate yourself. for e.g. birth prep courses. Don't let yourself stay in the dark, but be careful about googling everything. Use professional advice, not only google advice.
  • just love your new-self.
  • VERY CLEAR rules with your husband especially when it comes to the time you spend with the baby. At the end you need time for yourself as well.
  • Buy a Manduca (carrier) and carry your baby allover. He will learn to walk much earlier then
    (advice here from Gravidamiga: but mind your pelvic floor :-)
  • Have a list of good take-out places and make sure your husband knows it :- )German hospitals don't have great meals.
    Babies cry - it's their job. Listen / Sind calm music to YOURSELF when the baby isn't settling.

July 2021 - Gravidamiga 
This blog post has been prepared with the greatest possible care and does not claim to be correct, complete or up-to-date.“ 

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Updated: July 2021

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