Snacks for babies & toddlers

tips on what to pack for your little one.

At one point you do not only need to pack formula or yourself going out, but you need to bring snacks to keep your baby / toddler happy.

Here are some tips on what our children used to love to snack:

Babies & young toddlers


Once they have a few teeth and have started on solids you can pack soft fruits such as small pieces of soft peeled peach, pear or banana which they can squash in their mouth easily so that they do not choke.
Also there is something new device, which we did not have in the old days :-) it is called a Fruchtsauger / fresh food & fruit feeding pacifier, where you can put in any fruit for the little ones to suck on.
Of course the little jars of fruits (some are mixed with some cereal) you can buy in any supermarket or drug store are also a good idea to take with you.
Instead of jars you can find fruit in pouches, where the children can suck on. This you can buy, but also make by yourself and store in the fridge. See sample in the pictures.

Salty & Sweet Snacks
If your little one insists on eating her/himself there are melt-in-the-mouth cereals like for example Hirsebällchen (millet), Maisstangen (corn.
There are also some cookies & rusk especially for younger toddlers, which melt quicker.
Here you can also see a lot of young toddlers sucking on a Brezel or Laugenstange. Make sure to remove the salt before handing it over to your child.

Toddlers and young children

On top of all of the above mentioned, you have some more options now, if the little ones learnt how to chew and swallow.

Fruit of all kinds, vegetable sticks, little tomatoes as long as they know how to chew and swallow. Make sure they can handle the skin, otherwise peel. Fruitsbars called Fruchtriegel are also quite a good option now.

Salty & Sweet Snacks
The selection is getting bigger now that you baby can handle more and more food. There are sweet snacks such as cookies and 'salty' snacks without salt as you can see in the pictures. You can find them in regular supermarkets, organics supermarkets and at drugstores such as DM.
Bakeries are also a life-saver as you can buy them just any kind of bread roll to stop any 'hunger-tantrums'.

We strongly recommend to try everything yourself and decide for yourself what is good for your baby/toddler to handle.

September 2020 - Gravidamiga
This blog post has been prepared with the greatest possible care and does not claim to be correct, complete or up-to-date.“

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Fruit pouches
Fill your own pouch

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Updated: September 2020

Posted in in Babies & Toddlers