Restrooms for Moms in Stuttgart downtown

oh gee, I need to pee...need to nurse...change a diaper.

Enjoying some time in Stuttgart downtown?

Here some ideas where to go when you need to change a diaper, need to feed your baby or need a rest room of your own.

Here is our own special map in English for you from Gravidamiga - you can download this onto your phone:-)

Map Diaper Changing Locations

And here is the map from Stadt Stuttgart - albeit in German:

Diaper changing & breastfeeding locations in Stuttgart downtown

And here the most important translations for the map:

Behindertentoilette = disabled toilet
OG = floor, EG = ground floor
Zugang / Schlüssel Personal = pls ask the shop assistant to unlock
Umkleiden = changing rooms

TIPS restroom break for yourself

If you need to go yourself and have your pram with you, it is a good idea to go to DM, as their lavatories are usually quite roomy  or use the lavatory for disabled people. It may not be 100% adequate, but often there is no other way to go to the restroom yourself and not to leave your kid(s) alone.

TIPS FOR Diaper changeS

DM is really nice for changing diapers, as they provide you with everything you need - from diapers, wet wipes to disinfectant - and the best - it is for FREE.
Also the Rathaus (you can get the key at the reception) is a really good place with diapers, a kitchenette and toys for elder kids. Attached a picture of how to get inside with a stroller.
If there is a diaper changing room, it is usually accessible for both mommies and daddies (attached picture 4th floor Breuninger Stuttgart - Karls Kitchen on the same floor is really nice to have coffee/brunch/lunch with kids, as they have a play area).
Also the lavatory in the Köngisbaupassagen is a good place to change a diaper.
We also like  the bookstore Wittwer and Korbmayer (also a play area for little ones)

Other countries - here  Japan

And finally some pictures from Japan, I found really advanced....diaper changing stations in the mens room only (very good idea!) and kids seats inside the toilets so you can have a pee in peace :-) I would have LOVED to have lavatories like those when my kids were small in Germany. How many times did I try to wrangle it at the airport...

This blog post has been prepared with the greatest possible care and does not claim to be correct, complete or up-to-date.“
PDF Reference: LHS Stuttgart, Familieninformation,; Bilddaten: fotolia, Ardo medical GmbH

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Toilet Japan for Toddlers
Diaper change men only in Japan
How to enter Stuttgart Rathaus with a stroller.

zur Übersicht

Updated: July 2020

Posted in in Babies & Toddlers