Pregnant in Germany? Next steps.

Next steps after your pregnancy test turns out positive. What to expect at the OB-GYN and which examinations are done when.

Congratulations - you are pregnant, But what are the next steps?

  • Take pregnancy vitamins, if you are not already taking them.
  • Make an appointment with your OB GYN to confirm the pregnancy.
  • Your OBGYN is not the one that will be there during you giving birth. There are OB-GYNs at the hospitals.
  • Your OBGYN will take your blood to determine different parameters and you will get your mothers passport (more info below).
  • Check-ups are usually done every 4 weeks if the pregnancy is normal.  From 32 weeks on there will be bi-weekly check-ups
  • You have 3 scheduled ultra sounds around week 10, 20 and 30 (if you have a normal insurance) or an ultrasound every time if you are privately insurance. Depending on your OB GYN you can also book an ultra sound package with our OB GYN to have more than the 3 scheduled ultra sounds. Baby watching is not allowed in Germany. Additional ultra sounds often only with a medical indication.
  • Week 24-27 there is a glucose test, which is included in your insurance. There are more possible self-payment tests, please read the blog post below.
  • From week 30 they will monitor your baby by cardiotocograph (= CTG) regularly. There are some self-payment-offers which your doctor could offer you (special tests, special screenings and methods). 
  • Midwifes: In Germany it is quite common to have postpartum midwives who come to your house after birth and look after you and your baby. It is advisable to look for them as soon as possible and if you need assistance we can help you, too. You do not need to look for a midwife for the hospital - there are always midwifes working there in shifts.


Here is an overview chart about all the examination and what is happening when in more detail:


Maternity care (German health care system)

Self payment opportunities
(some are paid by private insurances or when there is an indication)

4.-6. SSW


- Gynaecological

- Weight

- Blood pressure

- Urine (protein, sugar, sediment)

- Blood (1st examination)

- Chlamydia (morning urine)

Antibodies in the blood for

- Cytomegaly

- toxoplasmosis

- chickenpox

- Ringworm

Folic acid, iodine if necessary

Until the 32. SSW every 4 weeks


- Weight

- Blood pressure

- Urine (protein, sugar, sediment)

- Gynaecological (uterine position, fetal heart tones, position of the baby)

- Blood (haemoglobin) approx. 24th week of pregnancy


Additional growth controls

Ca. 10. SSW

1st ultrasound screening

First trimester screening, Harmony test, pre-eclampsia screening

From the 12. SSW on

Flu vaccination (depending on the season)




Screening for open back (AFP value)

Ca. 20. SSW

2nd ultrasound screening

Advanced fine diagnostics

24.-27. SSW


- Blood (2nd antibody test)

- 50g oGTT (small glucose tolerance test)

75g oGTT (large glucose tolerance test)


Ca. 30. SSW

3rd ultrasound screening

Pertussis vaccination (whooping cough)


Ab 32. SSW

Blood (hepatitis B)


35.-37. SSW


B streptococcus test

1st blood test during pregnancy: haemoglobin, blood group, rhesus factor (if not yet known); antibody test, rubella titre if applicable, syphilis, HIV, TSH.

Here is the link to some blog posts, which might help to clarify some further questions:

Role of the Midwife in Germany
Mutterpass - most important document if you are pregnant
Additional examinations during pregnancy

In Germany it is common to get prepared with a birth preparation course and participate in a postpartum recovery course after birth.
The birth preparation course is usually taken about 8 weeks before your due date. If you consider booking with us - here is a link to our calendar with dates and more information on the content.
The postpartum recovery course is usually taken earliest 6-7 weeks after having given birth.
Learn more what this is about here.


April 2021 - Gravidamiga
This blog post has been prepared with the greatest possible care and does not claim to be correct, complete or up-to-date.“
Picture credit: Julia Fiedler, Pixabay.

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Updated: July 2024

Posted in in Pregnancy & Birth, Medicine & Psychology