Nannies in Stuttgart

Childcare - Tagesmutter - how to find one in Stuttgart Area

Day-Care Mums - Tagesmütter are very popular in Germany - Nannies rather hard to find.

The German System

First of all, it is not common to have nannies (Kinderfrau)  in Germany.
This is mostly due to the very accommodating laws in Germany.
You can take up to 3 years parental leave from your job.
You are entitled to parental allowance for 12 (+2) months.
Well there is more but this will be too much to explain here in detail - if you need help, please contact us.

How to find a Nanny or a Day Care Mum - Tagesmutter

1. Online platforms, where you need to check the references yourself -  such as

2. Tagesmütter (day-care mums)

Here you can either ask for your own nanny or alternatively a Tagesmutter, who provides in-home child care for a number of children (this means in her household often with her own children).
Each Tagesmutter is checked and qualified.
You need to get in touch with the organisation and meet them in person as they are checking not only the Tagesmutter, but also your background and needs. So this is a very safe way to get a reliable nanny/Tagesmutter.


Tagesmütter Börse Stuttgart (from Caritas)

She speaks great English and will help to refer you to the person in charge:
+49 711 21069-15 /

Tagesmütter Stuttgart

Tel. (0711) 410794-0 oder 


Here you can find the persons on charge for your area:
Here is the link  - there is a button at the edge of the left hand side which opens up to all the areas. Hard to spot...

Here is some information about them in English:
English Link to Little Bird


3. Facebook Groups

Plus you can always check the Mom Groups on Facebook and ask for Nanny recommendations.
for example: Stuttgart Moms Support, Stuttgart kids and families (stuttgart kinder relief)

4. Kindergarten and Nurseries in the Area of Stuttgart and how it works on our the Partnerpage Kiramiga

Kindergarten in the Area of Stuttgart

April 2020 - Kira Neumann
This blog post has been prepared with the greatest possible care and does not claim to be correct, complete or up-to-date.“
Please make sure to visit your doctor prior to flying being pregnant or with your baby.

Tell someone of us today - thank you!

or more general information about life in Stuttgart  on our partner page
Kiramiga and sign up for our join NEWSLETTER.


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Updated: March 2024

Posted in in Babies & Toddlers