Morning sickness

Morning Sickness

This is very common and here some tips what might help.

Four out of five women suffer from morning sickness it in the first three months of pregnancy. The intensity of the symptoms varies from woman to woman. Mostly the symptoms appear in the 5th week of pregnancy and reach their peak in the 9th week.

What you can do about morning sickness

Unfortunately, there is no ultimate & universal tip as what works differs from woman to woman.

Here our top 8 TIPS are some tips you can try to calm your sensitive stomach:

  • You can try to eat right after waking up (still lying in bed) a few bites: A slice of crispbread or dry biscuits are ideal and can help prevent morning nausea.
  • There are some ingredients and drinks which your stomach probably doesn't like during pregnancy: caffeine, carbonic acid, extremely sweet, fat or heavily spiced food.
  • It is better to eat small portions. You can try to eat more often, but not too much at once.
  • It is very important to drink enough. You can drink water, tea and some fruit juices. Especially with regular vomiting it is important to refill your liquid quickly.
  • Ginger can help, too. You can either chew canwed ginger or drink ginger tea.
  • Some woman feel better when they smell at half a lemon.
  • Please do not forget that you need time to relax and look for yourself. Fresh air and regular soft sport sessions help, too.
  • Foot reflexology, acupressure or acupuncture can also help.

A pharmacy is also a good resort. You can ask the staff what kind of over the counter remedies they have - in Germany we also have quite a lot of homeopathic remedies you can try. An over-the-counter option to alleviate nausea is, for example, a preparation consisting of vitamin B, e.g. Nausema.

When it is time to see an expert

Sometimes homeopathic and herbal and over-the-counter remedies do not help. 
If you find that you can't keep food or drinks or lose your appetite altogether, please talk to your midwife or doctor. There are some other options and drugs that might help.

In Germany, we have the option of obtaining medication from the gynecologist that significantly reduces the nausea. One example is Cariban. However, a side effect of this medication can be tiredness. Please contact your gynocologist for detailed advice and information.

April 2023 - Dr. Christine Krämer
This blog post has been prepared with the greatest possible care and does not claim to be correct, complete or up-to-date.“

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Updated: June 2024