Kindersachenbazar - Used childrens' goods market

Twice a year in spring and autumn you can stock up on your babies/kids wardrobe.

 – usually tied to lamp posts, at the notice board supermarket, in little shop windows like bakeries and alike.

These are advertisements from the local Kindergartens, sometimes primary schools, for used clothes markets (Kindersachenmärkte oder Kinderflohmärkte (Flohmarkt = Fleamarket) where you can make great deals and buy really good stuff.

Read more about

  • What is a Kindersachenmarkt or Kindersachenbazar? 
  • Benefits for Pregnant women 
  • Bake sell 
  • Other used good markets 
  • Our 7 Tips and Tricks

in our featured blog post about Kindersachenbazar on our partner page Kiramiga - beyond relocation.



Updated January 2020 Kira Neumann
This blog post has been prepared with the greatest possible care and does not claim to be correct, complete or up-to-date.“
Picture credit: Kiramiga

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Kinderbazar - Children's used goods market
Kinderbazar - Children's used goods market
Kinderbazar - Children's used goods market
Kinderbazar - Children's used goods market

zur Übersicht

Updated: June 2020

Posted in in Shopping