Child Sickness Benefit in Germany

You are entitled to Child Sickness Benefit (paid by the Health Insurance) & leave from work,if your little one is sickl

Did you know that the German Health Insurance pays Child Sickness Benefit, if your child needs care and is sick at home - and your employer needs to give you leave?

How mANY DAYS child sickness benefit am I entitled to?

  • both parents are working - each parent can claim 10 days; more than one child under 12 each parent can claim up to 25 days.
  • single parents 20 days; more than one child under 12 up to 50 days.
  • during corona epidemic per child 30 working days max 65 working days per parent
  • during corona epidemic per child 60 working days max 130 working days for single parents

What are the requirements for child sickness benefit?

  • Your child has statutory health insurance and is not yet 12 years old
  • Your child is ill and needs your care (proved by a doctor) OR daycare centres and schools are closed OR care is limited for any other reason.
  • You are therefore unable to work
  • No other person living in the household can care for your child

How much is my child sickness benefit?

  • To calculate the amount the Health Insurance needs the  information about your income
  • This is normally received directly directly from your employer
  • Children's sickness benefit is generally 90% of the net amount max 112,88 € per day / contribution to social security is not included

How do I receive my child sickness benefit?

  1. You will receive a certificate from the doctor about your child's illness and the need for care / or from another provider in case your school/kindergarten is closed.
  2. Inform your employer immediately.
  3. Submit application with this to your health insurance immediately.
  4. As soon as insurance has received the certificate about your income they will transfer the child sickness benefit to you.

This is just a general overview - if you need more detailed explanations about all the rules, please talk to your health service provider.

Thank you at BARMER Health  Insurance for putting this information together.
Want more information about the Barmer Health Insurance?
Please get in touch with Tim Landeck and he will explain you what Barmer can offer you.

November 2021 - Gravidamiga in cooperation with Barmer
This blog post has been prepared with the greatest possible care and does not claim to be correct, complete or up-to-date.“ Picture credit: Adobe Stock licensed

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Updated: November 2021

Posted in in Babies & Toddlers