
Entirely up to you & the circumstances - here is a neutral medical point of view.

At one point during your pregnancy -  closer to your due date  -  you might question yourself:

Shall I breastfeed?

Breastfeeding is the natural supply for the baby and it combines two basic advantages: the best possible nutrition of the baby in the first months of life  and the development of a intimate relationship between mother and child. Breastfeeding does not mean to "satisfy hunger", but it is also the need for warmth and affection. But of course you can also bond by giving a bottle and formula.

PRO breastfeeding

A vote  for breastfeeding (or trying to breastfeed) are that the milk is free of charge and always well-tempered and adapted to the child's dietary needs. You must not think of bottles, milk powder or water. And last but not least sleep is less disturbed by breastfeeding.
Breastfeeding protects the baby from pathogens and later allergies. It is given the chance of optimal weight development.
The baby gets what it needs.
Often women ask themselves if their breasts are big enough! Neither the figure of a woman nor the size of her breast has an influence on breastfeeding! Every woman can try. A midwife helps you to get to know the tips and tricks about breastfeeding. 

duration of breastfeeding or formula

How long shall I breastfeed my baby or how long does my baby need formula? The latest recommendation is to feed the baby with breast milk/formula only for the first six months. Between the 5th and 7th month your baby needs additional food. The time when you start depends individually on the child's ability to eat. Introduction of food supplementation does not mean the end of breastfeeding/formula, but a slow reduction in milk and frequency of those meals at an individual pace. If you breastfeed the mother and child jointly determine when to stop. One woman can breastfeed for 10 months and one for 2 years. This depends on you and your baby.

The other SIde

Sometimes breastfeeding must be supported by formula and sometimes it does not work at all. Sick infants, premature babies, underweight people and low milk supply are subject to different rules and formula may be necessary from a medical point of view.
Maybe you also just do not want to breastfeed for personal reasons.
In any case, the mother should talk to her doctor and her midwife to make a decision.

However you decide - if you breastfeed or not - you must feel good about your decision.


February 2020
Dr. Christine Krämer, M.D.
This blog post has been prepared with the greatest possible care and does not claim to be correct, complete or up-to-date.“

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Updated: June 2020

Posted in in Babies & Toddlers