Local and organic produce delivered to your doorstep.

foodtprint offers a range of seasonal & organic vegetable and fruit delivered to your doorstep in Stuttgart & the Area. The best: they also have solids boxes :-)

Knowing all their suppliers, foodtprint is selecting their organic produce and products with utmost care. 
You can decide to get a regular delivery as in a subscription for various different boxes or just buy single items. The delivery is once a week on a specific day within your area - you can check you area here.

Link to Subcriptions & Examples:

They have a colorful selection of boxes for you. From the classic vegetable box to the office box with fruit & vegetables to the Solids box if you are starting solids with your baby. The content of their boxes is redefined every week, depending on what is currently available in our region. The classic vegetable & fruit boxes consist of a balanced mix of vegetables, fruits, salads and herbs. You can check the contents of the box online and just drop an email or WhatsAPP,  if there is something you do not want or add other items or cancel the box (until 12 p.m. the day before delivery). But sometimes the surprise might lead you to come up with new ideas in the kitchen (this is from Kira :-). And you also get recipes ideas via email with the delivery of each box.

Example for Family Boxes:

"Small" for 1 person, contains 1.5 kg of seasonal, regional vegetables
"Medium" for 2 persons, contains 2.5 kg of seasonal, regional vegetables
"Large" for 4 persons, contains 4 kg of seasonal, regional vegetables
"XL" for 5 persons, contains 5.5 kg of seasonal, regional vegetables
"XXL" for 6 persons, contains 7 kg seasonal, regional vegetables

Link to Solids Box You can get the Solids Box as a subcription or just per one time order.

On top of the above you can 'save produce'. This is produce that is completely okay but does not look so nice anymore and instead of it being wasted, you can save it! Just for the small amount of 1,50 Euro for 3 kgs or 3 Euro for 5 kgs you get a whole range of additional fruit and vegetables.

Well, best is to go to their website (google translate) or get in touch with our contact Sandra, who speaks excellent English, so she can explain more and set you up.

Phone: +49 178 65 85 762 
Email: info@foodtprint.de